Invisalign in london ontario

The Best of Invisalign: Works Like Magic, Feels Like Nothing

The Best of Invisalign: Works Like Magic, Feels Like Nothing
What Invisalign Treats

Effective orthodontic treatment without the pain and hassle — that’s the Invisalign promise. What’s keeping you from smiling confidently? Invisalign corrects these common dental problems and more, without the need for wires and brackets:

  • Crowded teeth
  • Uneven spacing between teeth
  • Narrow tooth arches
  • Underbite and/or overbite.


How to Wear Your Invisalign

Invisalign is all about flexibility and comfort: transparent and removable Invisalign. Unlike metal braces with fixed wires and brackets, you can easily wear and remove these tray aligners to enjoy your favourite foods, and brush and floss afterwards.

Wear these ‘barely there’ braces for 20 hours a day over a prescribed period, and see crooked, uneven teeth gradually move into their proper position, alignment, and bite.


Is Invisalign Right for Me? – Orthodontic Treatment Process

Ready to fix your smile? Begin the journey to your transformed smile and renewed self-confidence. Start wearing Invisalign in four easy steps:

  1. Invisalign vs. Self-Directed Aligners: Know the Difference

    Don’t mistake self-directed aligner tray treatments for Invisalign treatment. Invisalign is a pre-screened and fully supervised orthodontic treatment. Self-directed aligners only require you to create your own mould at home, and receive your trays in the mail — there is no consultation, imaging, and fitting with a dentist. You risk receiving inaccurate aligners: at best, self-directed trays can only straighten teeth, but not severe alignment issues.

  2. Book an Invisalign Consultation

    Talk to our dentists about your dental concerns, including crooked teeth and misalignment. We will take photos of your teeth and oral structures to create a detailed 3D image of your mouth and model for your custom Invisalign aligner. Our dentists will also show you simulated images to visualize the transformation of your smile using Invisalign.

  3. Prescribed Usage

    Our dentists manage your entire Invisalign orthodontic treatment. Once your custom aligner trays are created, we provide directions for use, including a prescribed period for optimal alignment and bite. Depending on your condition, you may be prescribed a series of trays to wear progressively over a set period as your smile continuously adjusts. With your custom Invisalign trays, you are guaranteed a precise and comfortable fit, and effective treatment.

  4. Follow-Up Visits

    Your Invisalign treatment is an ongoing process. Our dentists monitor your progress with regular visits and evaluate every stage of the bite and alignment correction. Based on your progress, we may recommend longer wearing or adjustment to your trays. You can do your part by following the treatment plan closely to achieve your desired smile.

The Invisalign Advantage – The Best of Invisalign

Are you feeling self-conscious about your smile, but more so at the prospect of wearing metal braces? You’re not alone — and you no longer have to dread both. At Hyland Dental, our patients enjoy their beautifully transformed and healthy smiles with Invisalign. Discover the difference of Invisalign:

  • Invisible Adjustment, Visible Results

    Invisalign aligners are transparent and discreet, making them easy to wear anytime without feeling self-conscious about metal wires and brackets. Wear your Invisalign with ease and confidence, and straighten your smile without discomforts like scrapes and tears common with metal brackets.

  • Convenient, Hygienic Use

    Invisalign is easy to use and maintain: no more worrying about morsels getting stuck in between teeth or caught on metal wires when munching on your favourite foods. Remove your aligners before every meal, and brush and floss easily after eating. Plus, because they’re fully removable, you can also clean the entire tray to maintain oral hygiene and health.

  • Fully Customized

    Invisalign is highly precise and customized. Using digital imaging and modelling, we can create custom aligners that fully align with your dental outline without causing discomfort and compromising results. The Invisalign series is also designed to grow with you, making it the perfect orthodontic treatment for teenagers and adults as bite and alignment are continuously corrected.

Book your free Invisalign consultation today!

A straight, healthy smile is your best accessory.

Get yours today with Invisalign aligners. Our dental clinic is here for every step of your smile makeover and journey towards your healthiest, most beautiful smile. No more crooked teeth and awkward gaps — just a perfectly straight and painless smile.

Are you a good candidate for Invisalign? Book your free Invisalign consultation today at Hyland Dental to learn more about these Invisalign. Let’s straighten and enhance your smile with this highly advanced, hassle-free orthodontic treatment.